Come Party With Meg Elison and Me!
When We Were Mothers virtual launch party is just a few days away
Good day, dear reader.
You might have heard: I was on vacation last week. I had hoped to write your Wednesday essay (Wednesessay? Still working on that) on the plane, but alas 3-year-olds require more attention on airplanes than I remember. The last thing I want to do is scrabble a piece together that ChatGPT could have written (because there are enough of those out there), so instead I’ve decided to do two things only:
Thing #1: Invite you for the penultimate time to our launch party, to be held on Monday, February 27, at a somewhat reasonable time for friends of mine on most continents. I hope you can join us. The lovely Meg Elison will be there; she is amazing and will be reading one of her poems and chatting with us.
Wonderful doula and friend, Teresa Vittorioso-Fortin, will host! There will be readings, giveaways, maybe a game, and plenty of time for Q&A. And don’t worry if you haven’t read the book yet. There’s something for everyone at this party!
Also—don’t party alone. Bring a friend! Snag a ticket for your sister-in-law, partner, mom, daughter, friend, or anyone else you think would enjoy a fun Zoom with friends! Get your tickets here or by clicking on the image.
Thing #2: Thanks to those of you who have supported the audiobook production process via a membership or a direct donation. We are 35% of the way there!
That is all. I apologize for the tardiness of this Note; I began writing it much earlier in the day, but had to stop to make it to an appointment on time and didn’t get back to it until baby bedtime.
Take care, and I’ll see you Friday. And Monday!
How exciting!!