Why, hello, there!
Not much to report this week, as I've been day-jobbing most days since we last chatted.
I do have something cool to show you, though.
This, my friend, is my new love. It takes all my loves and puts them together in an epic math+love matrix using my children's astrological signs and the corresponding constellations against a beautiful night-sky backdrop. I'm in absolute love. Believe it or not, this piece took under three hours of needle time - which is astonishing, considering my first tattoo took twice that long and takes up roughly the same amount of real estate.
Writing-wise, there's not much new to report. I sent out two new queries for the novel this week, and have already received one rejection. I'm still smoothing out the edges of those first few chapters before sending out more serious queries, and hopefully that will be done by the end of next week so I can send out another handful of submissions after Thanksgiving. And then I'll just be sitting here, trying not to implode.
I'm confident the book will find the right home, though. I'm learning dystopia is a genre not a lot of agents are comfortable with, familiar with, or enjoy. I need to find just the right person who can, as they often say, "champion the project," and when I do, I will break out the bottle of brut rose I've been saving in my fridge for just the right occasion.
We'll talk soon. Let me know what you think of the ink!
Until next time,
P.S. There will be no P.S.'s today, as I'm writing this note before leaving for a school visit. So don't look for any P.S.'s. There won't be any.
P.P.S. Aw, shucks. I just couldn't resist.
P.P.P.S. This is the most P.S.'s I've ever included in an email to you! Don't forget to forward this to your ink- and writing-loving friends. They can just click the button below and join our merry little crew.