Mother's Day Reflections
And a throwback to that time I tried to take a bath on Mother's Day and nobody cared
Hello again!
Mother's Day is coming up for us here in the US, and around this time of year I always think about my own kids and my relationship to parenting.
Okay, you got me. I'm not just thinking about those things in May. I'm always thinking about them, even when I'm not thinking about them, because my identity is so wrapped up in these little humans I created and whose lives I sustain, that I would be a shell of who I am without them. What did I even do before I had children, anyway? Must have been pretty boring if I don't even remember. Or maybe, out of pity, my mind has blocked all the fun I used to have from my memory.
But I digress.
The point is that parenting, family, and motherhood are themes that don't simply come up in my writing - they drive a good portion of it. The Other Women, for example, was inspired by the black box that is early pregnancy and the anxiety of never being sure things are going okay. The story took a life of its own and, rather than focusing on that anxiety, the book sheds light on societal issues of reproductive autonomy and biased legislation. But it's an idea I never would have had if not for the near-insurmountable unease I felt when I was newly pregnant.
In anticipation of the upcoming holiday, this morning on the blog I shared a fun parenting story from a couple years back. It's got everything you might expect in a heartwarming Mother's Day tale - interruptions, first aid, and, of course, poop. I hope you enjoy it.
For this year, I'll be carving special one-on-one time out to spend with each of my children, and maybe I'll even get a bath in there. What are your weekend plans? Do you have any special traditions for Mother's Day? Reply and let me know!
Until next time,
P.S. Do you know a parent who can relate to this tale? Forward this email to them so they can sign up here to receive this newsletter, too!