I'm starting to get itchy. I went into the spreadsheet where I track my agent submissions the other day (yes, of COURSE I have one of those) and put a formula in that will tell me how many weeks it's been since I submitted to each agent. It's getting a little scary.
I promised myself I'd put the manuscript down for a few weeks, and mostly I will. I have had some conversations lately, though, that make me rethink the book's beginning. (Yes, again. I know, I know!) So my brain is just going to ruminate on that while I work on some other projects and get more ideas onto paper.
In the spirit of doing just that, I need your help with something. I'm going to be working on enhancing this Newsletter over the course of the next few weeks, and I have a teensy-weensy, very short survey I'd like for you to take. It's anonymous, and it will really help me ensure I'm moving in the right direction on this newsletter journey and that you'll keep wanting to join me week after week. This will only take a minute, so go ahead and pop over now. I can wait. 😊
Okay. Did you do it? Thank you!!!
I'm also going to be renaming the newsletter, so don't worry if you notice the subject line changing in the next couple weeks. It's still me, just drilling down to what works the best for this community.
Another thing I've been spending a lot of time thinking about is the difference between using social media for pleasure and for work. I used to use Facebook all the time. I posted multiple times a day - random thoughts, pictures of my dog and my kids and the 3' of snow that fell that one February, and long ramblings about the state of education in this country. I don't really do that anymore. I never really used Instagram, and I didn't even have a Twitter account. Don't get me started on TikTok.
These days, though, it seems social media is a necessary tool for business. That's what they tell us, anyway. You've got to be visible. You've got to provide value. But let me ask you something. When was the last time you discovered a fiction author from their social media profile? Maybe a friend or someone you follow recommended a book. Or maybe you saw a promotion online from an author you already know. But when did you last see someone's social media interaction, then go to their profile, realize they were a fiction author, and then look through their catalog and buy a book?
Probably never. I read (and write) all the time, and until I started doing this work for my own business, I never even went to a writer's website. Ever!
No, the way we are exposed to new authors and books is mostly through word of mouth. I usually have 2 or 3 books going at a time, and nearly every one of them was recommended by someone else.
Guess what, though. Unless an author has a million-deep network of friends who read and recommend widely (or a copy of her book happens to wind up in just the right person's hands), the way to get that word of mouth rolling is through - you guessed it - social media. And, of course, the whole "people reading your book" thing only works if you have a book for them to buy... which is a whole other beast I'm going to have to think very deeply about pretty soon.
So, as I am trying to talk myself out of this big and unwieldy thing I really don't have any time for, guess what. I just end up talking myself right back into it. I'm going to work on beefing up my social media presence while the book is in the metaphorical drawer.
But also, I wanted to let you know that having a community of cool kids like you helps so much - both because I know my words aren't just going out into the void and also because I know I can count on you to share things that resonate with you, be it on the socials or by forwarding these emails.
So, thank you. Thanks for being my champion, my cheerleader, my reader.
Until next time,
P.S. Here's that survey one more time. Thank you again for filling it out and helping me pinpoint exactly what you love about the Newsletter!
P.P.S. Speaking of word of mouth, don't forget to share this note with your friends, family members, and loved ones.