I was going to try and get a newsletter out today, but I can’t. I just can’t do it. While I’m sitting here trying to figure out how many Instagram stories I should post to promote my author brand and whether or not I should branch out to TikTok, 19 (so far) mamas are trying to figure out how to move on without the hope and promise of their little, tiny babies. And that’s just today.
I heard a statistic today that there has been an average of one school shooting every FIVE DAYS in the US this year.
Nothing is changing, and it feels like nothing will, and it is an absolute horror when your 10-year-old says, “So I’m risking my life every time I go to school?” and you really want with every inch of your being to say, “No, of course not,” but you just fucking can’t.
So. No newsletter this week. I’m going to see what I can do from here to make this situation better. It feels like nothing. But it can’t be. It just can’t. Comment with ways you’re trying.
Until next time,
Carey and I have emailed our representative but since he is such a piece of shit, I doubt our messages will even be opened. How terribly disgusting this country is to allow such tragedy day after day after day!