How's your Monday been? Good, I hope. Weather up here in New England is pretty spectacular at the moment, and it's a great day for a walk or a bike ride. I'm promising myself I'll do one of those any minute now. I've been working on little website code details for most of the morning, and I always get so hyper-focused when I'm trying to get things just right that it's hard to focus on what I truly should be doing. The good news is, now it's finished and I've got a very pretty (if I do say so myself) website that will be live at at www.niccikadilak.com just as soon as the DNS records are updated.
I just wanted to take a second to tell you how awesome you are. You are the cool kid, the VIP, the backstage-pass holder. You're getting in on the ground floor of something that I think is going to be pretty cool. And because of that, you get all the goods before anyone else. When I sign with the perfect agent or get a publishing deal, you'll know first. When I cut a really good scene, I'll send it to you for safekeeping. When I launch my book? You guessed it! You'll get the first chance to buy, and I'll even offer you a spot on the advance team if you want to help publicize the book before it hits shelves both real and virtual. I'll even send you special preview links to my articles and blog posts when I can.
Speaking of which, my first-ever blog post is going up tomorrow morning on the site. And I'm not quite sure how advance viewing of blogs works, so I was hoping you'd help me by clicking this link and letting me know if it comes through okay. You won't be able to comment on the post until it officially goes live tomorrow morning (and if you want to stop back in and leave a comment, please do!), but I want to test out this exclusive feature to be sure it works before I start promising it to readers! You can just reply to this email to tell me if it works, and what you think of the post.
As always, you are welcome - nay, encouraged! - to forward this note to any of the cool kids in your life who you think would enjoy my work.
Now, for that bike ride...
See you soon,
P.S. Here's the advance link to the blog post one more time. After it's published Tuesday morning, you can find it here.
P.P.S. If you received this email from a friend who is already a VIP, now's your chance. Just head here and sign up. It will only take a second, and you'll be rewarded with the first of many deleted scenes from my upcoming novel, The Other Women, as well as a backstage pass.